Residents have come out in support of plans to improve Romford town centre, according to a council survey.

Havering Council opened a consultation from April 8 to May 3, asking residents and businesses for their opinions on the revised Romford Town Centre Masterplan.

A total of 73 per cent of 724 participants said they continued to support the plan, the council said.

They expressed their thoughts via an online survey, in person or at a young people-focused workshop.

The council said the three main features that resonated most with the public were improvements to the market, the opening of the River Rom to create public spaces, and developing better public areas across the town centre.

This Is Local London: The findings of the consultationThe findings of the consultation (Image: Havering Council)

There were, however, additional concerns raised such as building heights, heritage preservation, short-term improvement opportunities, and parking provisions.

The council alongside the design team will review all the feedback, before the statutory consultation in summer 2024.

This is in preparation for the masterplan's adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by winter 2024.

Councillor Graham Williamson, cabinet member for regeneration, said: "The new administration promised to kick start the masterplan after gathering dust for years.

"I'm very pleased that local residents continue to support the principle of regeneration and its three main features."