A drug dealer who threw away a bag containing cocaine as he ran from police has been jailed. 

Arlind Pecmarkaj, 19, of North Circular Road, Palmers Green, was spotted making a suspected drug deal in Cambridge on January 20. 

He ran off and threw away a black bag containing cocaine along the way.

But officers caught up with him and Pecmarkaj was arrested. 

The drugs were recovered and a further £2,000 worth of cocaine was found in his hoody. 

On Monday (June 10) Pecmarkaj was sentenced to three years in prison after he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine. 

PC Nicola Pike, from the Neighbourhood Support Team, said: “Officers acted on their instincts and as a result, another drug dealer has been removed from our community. 

“Drugs bring misery and violence to our communities and we will continue to put those responsible before the courts.”