A pensioner from Wembley has denied that he stabbed his neighbour over a long-running dispute.

Derek Brown, 72, allegedly attacked Richard Braithwaite, 73, with a knife over his belief that the victim was leaving items in their shared alleyway in Cromwell Road.

Mr Braithwaite’s 71-year-old wife Annetta was allegedly punched and suffered cuts to her head and face during the incident on March 21.

She called police who found the pensioner bleeding from a stab wound from which he died at 12.30pm.

The defendant was later arrested outside Wembley police station.

Yesterday (June 11), Brown appeared at the Old Bailey via video link from HMP Belmarsh wearing a grey tracksuit.

He pleaded not guilty to murder, wounding with intent and possession of a bladed article in a public place.

Judge Charles Bourne KC set a three-week trial from January 27 next year.

Reporting by PA.