Three men who were jailed for the murder of their friend, who was killed in a shoot-out with a rival gang, have had their appeals rejected. 

Adel Yussuf, Issa Seed and Daniel Mensah were convicted of murdering their own friend Billy McCullagh. 

Billy, 27, was killed by gang rivals as his side’s revenge ride-out ended in “crushing defeat”. 

He was shot twice in the back amid a hail of bullets and left to die in a street on the Stonebridge Estate in Harlesden in the early hours of July 16, 2020. 

The person or people who fired the fatal shots were never identified, leading prosecutors to charge members of his own side, who initiated the shoot-out, with his murder. 

The convictions were on the basis that the men engaged in a shoot-out in which both sides agreed to shoot and be shot at – so they fired their own guns knowing it was a virtual certainty that the other side would fire back. 

In September 2022 the trio were each jailed for life with a minimum term of 29 years. 

Issa SeedIssa Seed (Image: Met Police) The trio have each since applied for leave to appeal against their convictions. 

However, on Thursday (June 13), a court of appeal judgement was published in which all appeals against their convictions were rejected. 

High Court judges decided their convictions were safe. 

The trio also appealed against the minimum terms of their life sentences. 

Yussuf, previously of Rainborough Close, Wembley, and Daniel Mensah, previously of Chatsworth Road, Brent, had their sentence appeals rejected. 

Adel YussufAdel Yussuf (Image: Met Police) Seed, previously of no fixed abode, had his sentence reduced to 26 years and 350 days. 

At the Old Bailey in September 2022, Judge Philip Katz KC told them: “Billy McCullagh died a very public death, gunned down in a hail of bullets on the Stonebridge estate. 

“You had agreed that at least one person would be shot in the street and at least caused really serious harm. 

“As soon as you got to your destination the obvious risk that any number of people would be killed is one you were prepared to take.” 

What followed must have been “completely terrifying” for anyone caught up in the violence, the judge said. 

Daniel MensahDaniel Mensah (Image: Met Police)

He added: “I accept that the three of you never realised you would end up in the dock accused of Billy McCullagh’s murder. 

“But anyone in this country who willingly participates in a gun battle in the street should not be surprised if the law holds him accountable for any loss of life as a result.” 

Judge Katz noted the victim had “two sides” to him, a caring and thoughtful father-to-be – who never lived to meet his baby daughter – and Billy the Kid, the gangster.