With the General Election less than two weeks away, voters in Hackney North and Stoke Newington will soon have to make up their minds about where to place their cross on the ballot paper.

The latest YouGov MRP poll points to a Labour victory for incumbent, Diane Abbott.

But there are also seven other candidates running in Islington North, eager for your votes. 

To help you make your decision, we have put together a guide explaining who the candidates are and what they stand for.

Diane Abbott – Labour Party

Diane Abbott – Labour PartyDiane Abbott – Labour Party (Image: Parliament)

We have had to put up with 14 years of failure under the Tory governments. It has been a disaster.

A disaster for living standards, for our public services like the NHS and for the safety and security of most people in this country.

Of course, the extremely wealthy have done alright. They and their Tory friends have become even richer. But everyone else is struggling to get by.

And the Tories are threatening even worse. They protect people who work here but pay no taxes, or they promote bigger bonuses for bankers. At the same time, our schools, nurseries and hospitals are either crumbling or they are closing.

We simply cannot go on like this.

We need a change of government and a change of outlook. We have to be able to offer people genuine hope that their own lives and the lives of their loved ones will get better.

That means tackling the plunge in living standards. It means strong and immediate measures to tackle the climate crisis.

It means investment in our public services, in our infrastructure and in our housing. We must end the scandal of unaffordable homes, shoddy accommodation and sky-high rents.

It means investment in renewable energy, in home insulation to save energy and cut bills, and it means investing in the green jobs of the future.

I hope the people of Hackney know that they can trust me to fight for what is right.

Ryan Ahmad – Independent

Ryan Ahmad - an Independent candidate in Hackney North and Stoke NewingtonRyan Ahmad - an Independent candidate in Hackney North and Stoke Newington (Image: Ryan Ahmad)

My main policy/campaigning ​areas are economy, mental health, homelessness, poverty (all ​forms of hardship really), cyber ethics and practice, ​environment and equality. But my prime goal as MP would be ​serving the constituency. I would love to tear into my ​constituents’ problems every day – I studied economics and ​politics because I want to improve people’s lives.

I have high hopes for my future in politics with my experience, education and background standing me in good stead.

I hope to ​one day be leader of the Labour party! I worship at the altar of ​Blair/Brown but thought Jeremy was inspirational. I think we ​need to appreciate as a party that many of our most ​progressive and ambitious policy ideas come from the left, who ​should be embraced not vilified, though they have to be based ​on a degree of reality.

But with that in mind I would be liberal and progressive.

I quit the Labour Party to speak out in solidarity at the “We stand with Diane” rally at the townhall, but she won’t be around forever.

People need someone who has the strength, ability, energy and experience to fight for the needs of our community. Public services are failing. Crime is rife and getting ever more sophisticated.  The old problems of incomes, housing, racism still beset us.

Do you feel better off after the last 14 years of government?  Do you feel safer?  With the right policies, everyone can really enjoy happy, healthy, wholesome lived experiences.

Please check out my website:  https://ryan4hackney.my.canva.site/ryanahmad

Constituents, I promise you socialism!

Deborah Cairns – Reform UK 

Hackney Gazette approached Reform UK to be included, but did not receive a response.

Kombat Diva – Independent

Hackney Gazette could not find any contact details for this candidate. If Kombat Diva would like to be included, they are welcome to get in touch.

Antoinette Fernandez – Green Party

Antoinette Fernandez – Green PartyAntoinette Fernandez – Green Party (Image: Antoinette Fernandez)

I am an activist and writer and stood for the Greens at the recent London Assembly Election in the North East constituency.

I finished a close second in the De Beauvoir by-election, achieving the highest ever number of votes for a Green Party candidate in that ward.

It is an honour to be chosen as the Green Party candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington.

The surge in elected Greens across the country is a clear sign that voters want a party that does politics differently, and the next election is an opportunity to challenge the status quo in Hackney.

The Green Party stands for social justice and the wellbeing of communities just as strongly as it stands for the environment.

The party has pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country, and if elected I will deliver on those policies with the integrity and work ethic that the people of Hackney North and Stoke Newington deserve.

We need to act on the housing crisis in Hackney to ensure that rental prices are fair. Renting in Hackney for over a decade I have witnessed first-hand the astronomical rise in rents that has pushed many of my friends out of Hackney. I know what it is to live in fear of your tenancy renewal date and I will push to implement radical housing reforms.

If you believe that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will help Hackney to thrive for everyone, please vote for me on July 4.

Rebecca Jones – Liberal Democrats

Rebecca Jones – Liberal DemocratsRebecca Jones – Liberal Democrats (Image: Rebecca Jones)

My name is Rebecca and I’m standing this election for a decisively liberal and progressive future for Hackney. Hackney is one of the most progressive parts of the UK and we need an MP who isn’t afraid to stand up against injustice and inequality. Parliament needs to take tough action on climate change, economic inequality, housing and fixing our NHS. Not engaging in culture wars.

If elected, I’ll fight for equality for everyone. I’ll fight to end discrimination directed against women, LGBTQ+ people, BAME people and more. For a progressive and liberal MP, vote Rebecca on July 4.

Knigel Knapp – The Official Monster Raving Loony Party

Knigel Knapp – The Official Monster Raving Loony PartyKnigel Knapp – The Official Monster Raving Loony Party (Image: David X Green)

According to The Official Monster Raving Loony Party website, Knigel has a degree in media studies (well, he watched a lot of Blue Peter when he was a kid).

They say not to believe anything he says or anything you hear about him, because Knigel is the Loony Party Minister for Blatant Lies and Big Fibs.

The party’s manifesto reads: “We are fighting this election on the basis of change.

“Loose change as this is all we’ll have left under a Labour/Conservative government.

“The Loony Party will build 5 million new homes, fill up 5 million potholes, employ 80,00 teachers, policemen and NHS staff and reduce taxes to 5%…yeah right…lol.”

The party sets out a range of policy positions, including: “MPs will have to sit in stocks during their surgeries, while their constituents throw custard pies at them. This will help them judge their popularity within the community. Companies would also be encouraged to design new versions of stocks to trade at the Stock Exchange.

“We will send all MPs who misbehave to Rwanda.

“We will get rid of VAT as it adds no value.

“We will ban all tipping of flies, insects, and zips of any kind.

“We will replace employees of the Border Force with GP receptionists. This will dramatically reduce the number of people getting in.

“To help with the cost of living and to raise money for the treasury we will convert numbers 10 and 11 Downing Street into a hair salon, which we will call ‘Government CutZ’.”

David Landau – Conservative and Unionist Party

Hackney Gazette approached Hackney Conservatives to be included, but did not receive a response.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that David Landau is the chairman of the main Charedi educational representative body Chinuch UK.

Landau, who lives in Hendon, chairs the Menorah High School for Girls and was an NHS oncologist who also had a Harley Street practice. 

He is a senior fellow at the Policy Exchange think tank.

"It’s an honour to be asked to stand for all the people of Hackney,” he said.