Havering has a variety of great places to go for a picnic now the warmer weather has hit, so we have rounded up some of the best places to go.

These include historic Raphael Park in Romford, which includes a lake, and Harrow Lodge Park in Hornchurch.

Temperatures are expected to soar this week, with highs of 28 degrees today (June 26) in Romford, so what better time to find a good spot for a picnic.

Raphael Park in Romford

Raphael Park in RomfordRaphael Park in Romford (Image: Havering Council)

The park, which opened in 1904, was restored in 2013 with funding from The Heritage Lottery Fund, Veolia North Thames Trust and Havering Council.

The 44-acre park has ornamental gardens, a lake, mature trees and a cafe for people to relax in.

It also has a children's play area.

RELATED STORY: Meet the Raphael Park, Romford wooden animal carver

Bedfords Park in Havering-atte-Bower

Bedfords ParkBedfords Park (Image: Havering Council) The Havering-atte-Bower park is 215 acres and has a nature discover centre for people to explore.

It has achieved Green Flag status since 2007 and is home to a herd of captive red deer.

The green space is also a great spot for a picnic, especially by its calming lake.

Harrow Lodge Park in Hornchurch

Harrow Lodge ParkHarrow Lodge Park (Image: Ben Lynch)

Harrow Lodge Park, the borough's largest urban green space of 130 acres, according to Havering Council, was recently where people viewed the Northern Lights.

It has two children's play areas to its south and north, which include games areas.

There is a cafe in the centre of the park which hires out pedal boats on the lakes to break up a day of picnicking with a fun activity.

Upminster Park 

Upminster ParkUpminster Park (Image: Google)

Upminster Park is easily accessible and has a small car park for people to use.

It is a medium-sized recreation space and has ample room to enjoy drinks and snacks.

There are also play areas for children to enjoy.

Cottons Park in Romford

Cottons Park in RomfordCottons Park in Romford (Image: Google)

Cottons Park has ornamental shrub beds and grass areas to enjoy with friends or family.

It also includes a children’s play area, wheeled sports equipment, a multiuse games area and an outdoor gym.

During the Second World War the area was used for war-time purposes, such as allotments and air raid shelters.