A school where "boisterous" pupils disrupted lessons has turned around behaviour to boost its Ofsted rating to "good".

The UCL Academy, in Swiss Cottage, was rated 'requires improvement' - the education watchdog's second lowest score - in March 2022.

Despite good scores for its quality of education, personal development and sixth form provision, the school was let down in the behaviour and attitudes and leadership and management categories.

Following an inspection on May 22 and 23, it says it has received a "good" rating in all five areas examined by Ofsted.

Behaviour was highlighted as considerably improved.

In the previous inspection, inspectors were concerned about "boisterous" behaviour exhibited by students, noting that high expectations for academic achievement did not routinely extend to behaviour.

After the latest visit, they wrote: "Leaders have significantly raised their expectations of pupils’ behaviour.

"Typically, lessons run smoothly without any disruption."

Inspectors were also impressed both with the culture at UCL Academy and levels of attainment.

They wrote: "This is an inclusive and welcoming school.

"The school has high aspirations for pupils’ academic achievement, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

"The ambitious curriculum is broad and balanced.

"Overall, pupils achieve well in public examinations, especially in English and mathematics."

Ofsted also praised the school's objective of catering to a diverse student body, with pupils coming from a wide range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

They said staff made made special efforts to ensure that all pupils receive any extra support they might need to thrive.

Executive principal Gary Moore, who was appointed only six weeks before the May 2024 inspection, said: "I am overjoyed with the final report, which grades the school as 'good' on each of the five elements leading to an overall effectiveness judgement of 'good'.

"This recognises the hard work of staff, students, parents and governors.

"Thank you all for the part you have played in improving The UCL Academy."

The UCL Academy was set up in 2012 by University College London (UCL).

Its first cohort of students sat their GCSEs in 2012. It says that some 40% of its sixth form students go on to study at Russell Group universities.