Plans to close two major roads in Croydon over the summer have been delayed after unhappy residents objected.

Coulsdon Road and Stites Hill Road were set to close on July 25.

Roadworks to replace essential drainage infrastructure that collects rainwater, which will help to reduce flooding on Coulsdon Road and surrounding properties, will now start on August 15.

The works had prompted complaints from residents and the council re-doubled their efforts to work with neighbouring Councils and have now secured a traffic management solution that will ease the impact on local traffic movement.

The revised measures will now close some residential side roads to prevent drivers ‘rat-running’ as had been experienced during an earlier phase of these works.

The works will temporarily shut Coulsdon Road between Old Fox Close and The Grove and are expected to finish before schools reopen after the summer holidays.

Stites Hill Road will remain open for 2-way residential traffic, but HGVs will be prohibited through the installation of a width restriction at its junction with Coulsdon Road.

Diversion signs will be placed on the road network to direct through traffic away from the local area to minimise the impact.

FM Conway has agreed to extend their working hours to Monday through Sunday, from 7am to 7pm.

The council has contacted TfL as the signed diversion route will take drivers into the ULEZ zone along the A23 Brighton Road.

Drivers will need to remain on the diversion route if they have a ULEZ non-compliant vehicle or they may be fined.

TfL Buses has established diversion routes for its buses and will be communicating this information to its bus operators and passengers.

The council said disruption will “inevitably occur” and they recommend that, where possible, resides use alternative routes and allow extra time to complete their journey.

Executive Mayor of Croydon, Jason Perry, said: “The roadworks taking place on Coulsdon Road are essential for repairing the drainage system, which will help reduce flooding in the area.

“We have listened to the concerns of our residents and have worked diligently with Surrey County Council, Tandridge District Council, and TfL to find a solution that minimises inconvenience.

“I am glad we have been able to reach this resolution that addresses these concerns, and we are committed to ensuring the works are completed efficiently.

“We are pleased that our neighbouring councils have supported us to develop our plans for these works to enable them to be completed during the summer holiday as this is when there is reduced traffic in the area, which will hopefully inconvenience less people.

“We anticipate that this will cause some disruption, but we ask motorists to be patient and cooperate with us so that we can complete the work as quickly as possible."