Councils behind a new low-traffic zone say people will have another chance to speak out against it.

The Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhood scheme, proposed by Camden Council and Islington Council, would see some streets in the area closed to through traffic, while some would become one-way.

Other changes include cutting speed limits, and improving pavements, cycle lanes and bus priority lanes.

A petition signed by almost 3,000 people was handed in on Friday calling for an initial “consultation”, which ended on Sunday (August 18), to be extended.

They said the “co-design phase” – which spanned a six week period during the summer holidays – did not adequately explain the scheme’s purpose or objectives.

The petition added that the impact of the scheme on service vehicles, residents, businesses and people living in boundary and access roads, needed greater consideration.

But both councils say that the formal consultation on the low traffic zone is yet to take place.

It is understood that this will open later this year, giving people living in and around Dartmouth park another chance to raise issues.

If agreed, the “healthy neighbourhood” will cover the area bounded by Highgate Hill, Junction Road, Fortess Road, Highgate Road, Highgate West Hill and Highgate High Street.

A Camden Council spokesperson said: “We ran an engagement exercise, rather than a consultation."

They added: "Such engagement exercises normally last four weeks, but in light of the holidays the Dartmouth Park area engagement lasted six weeks.

"Camden has been listening to local residents, groups and businesses since 2018 to develop this project to improve road safety and make it easier to walk, cycle, and take the bus.”