Beat the back-to-school blues with a fun shopping trip that will have your child more than ready for their first day of term at senior school! 

It's hard not to feel a little overwhelmed by the school essentials shopping list as thoughts of the school holidays come to a close, and those of the school bells arrive. To help you cope in the world of sports days, homework and school fairs, we're offering two lucky newspaper readers the chance to win a £100 Amazon e-voucher so you can buy your child all the things seniors need for a great first term back at school. 

Help them to not only survive but thrive by putting the voucher towards new bags, pens, calculators and books. Use it to buy a spare sports kit for when they inevitably leave the other one in their locker, or purchase revision guides ahead of time to save stress when it comes to test time and ensure they have no excuses not to study hard! 

Whatever it is they need, you'll more than have it covered! 

How to win a £100 Amazon e-voucher 

For a chance to win a £100 Amazon e-voucher to put towards senior school essentials, click on the link below and answer the question correctly. The closing date for entries is September 6, 2024. 

Click here to enter the competition and answer the question



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