Wild Things columnist Eric Brown learns of developments in the fight for nature taking place over encroachment at Crossness Nature reserve and an award for conservationists flagged up in Chislehurst.

Sometimes you can only wonder just how much nature means to people when you learn of new housing estates earmarked for rare heathland habitat and plans for solar panel farms, electricity pylons and wind turbines on prime wildlife-friendly countryside. Where will that wildlife go once evicted from its natural habitat?

Wild Things: 'Killer' squirrels, egg thieves and more

Fortunately there ARE people who have turned their concern into action and will continue to do so. You will have read in this column previously of the threat to Bexley borough's Crossness Nature Reserve from a plan by Cory to expand their Thames-side waste incinerators, by building a carbon capture storage facility onto 11.7per cent of 25 hectares at the Belvedere-based reserve. The response, including protest and objections, has been overwhelming. More than 200 organisations and individuals wrote to the planning inspectorate mostly expressing dismay at loss of Reserve land and concern over Cory's claim they are creating a larger reserve by enhancing third party habitat already supposedly managed for wildlife under existing planning obligations. Read the responses at Relevant Representations|Cory Decarbonisation Project (planninginspectorate.gov.uk).

A campaign group working hard to oppose this scheme welcomes donations at Save Crossness Nature Reserve|Erith Marshes.

The Planning Inspectorate has, at time of writing, yet to publish a timetable for the examination programme, including the preliminary hearing.

Wild Things: Wood ducks on Chislehurst Common

Crossness reserve manager Karen Sutton said: "I am so pleased people wrote objections to the Planning Inspectorate. I still can’t get over the lunacy of offsetting one’s carbon footprint by destroying part of a nature reserve, and I’m pleased others felt compelled to express the same. Also, the campaign group was very appreciative of those people who donated to the Crowd Justice platform."

Another group with wildlife at heart comprises the hardworking trustees, keepers and volunteers who keep Chislehurst Common spick and span. They have been rewarded for their efforts looking after the woods, paths, pools and wildlife there with a Green Flag Award. Inspectors gave this work the thumbs up before recommending the award which, according to GF, "recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces setting a benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the UK and the world". In the picture, trustees, keepers and volunteers celebrate the award.


Saturday, September 14, 10am to 1pm: Crossness reserve weekend bird walk led by Ralph and Brenda Todd. Meet at Norman Road gate, Belvedere. Booking essential. Contact karensutton@thameswater.co.uk.

Saturday, September 14, 1pm to 5pm: Chislehurst Creates family art and craft events at The Cockpit, Chislehurst Common. Tickets and information at chislehurstcreates.org.