TWO men have been arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs after warrants were executed at four addresses across Harlow.

Two properties were entered at 7am this morning and subsequently two arrests were made.

The operation was carried out by officers from Harlow's Community Policing Team, Op Raptor and our Operational Support Group, who then conducted searches at two other locations linked to the individuals detained.

Warrant - Police entering a propertyWarrant - Police entering a property (Image: Essex Police)

Police also visited a flat in the town following reports of cuckooing.

The warrants are part of the Clear, Hold, Build project to eradicate criminal activity and regenerate areas of The Stow.

Clear, Hold, Build is a Home Office-backed scheme that brings together public services to tackle offending and address underlying issues affecting the local community.

The aim is to produce sustained, long-term change in places that have been blighted by serious and organised crime by pursuing offenders, breaking up and dispersing gangs, and creating strong, resilient neighbourhoods.

Warrants executed at nine addresses in Harlow and Chelmsford on July 30 led to six people being charged with being concerned in the supply of Class A and B drugs.

Inspector Leanne Archer of Harlow Community Policing Team said: “The Stow has previously seen incidents of violence and drug dealing but we are working with our partners to drive down crime and make The Stow a safer and more attractive place for residents and visitors.

“This latest set of warrants sends a very clear message - if you deal drugs in Harlow, you will get caught.

“Alongside our enforcement activity to identify and arrest those involved in violence and drug dealing, we want to discourage people from carrying weapons and educate them about the dangers.

“Last week we conducted a knife amnesty in the area when we spoke to residents and businesses about the new knife legislation and people handed over knives for us to dispose of.

“Our officers are out engaging with the community and soon we will open our partnership hub in the shopping centre where people will be able to access support and information from our officers as well as the NHS, youth services, Mind and Citizens’ Advice.

“We want people who live in The Stow to feel reassured that we are there to help them, and I hope to see as many local residents as possible at our next engagement event at The Essex Skipper pub on 11 September.”