A Lewisham nursery has been rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted after inspectors found the safety and welfare of children to be “compromised”.

Cherryli Nursery, based in Tyrwhitt Road, was last inspected from May 8 through to July 8.

The report was then published on August 12.

Prior to this, the nursery has been rated as 'requires improvement' in August 2023.

To improve, Ofsted recommended that the nursery’s manager “follow robust recruitment procedures” to enhance supervision and training.

Another suggestion for improvement was to improve the knowledge that members of staff have the “statutory framework for the early years foundation stage”.

However, at this inspection Ofsted found that safeguarding arrangements were ineffective, staff practice was weak and that there was a limited understanding of learning requirements.

Inspectors reported that there were “weaknesses” in safeguarding knowledge which “compromises the safety and wellbeing” of kids at the nursery.

They added that the nursery’s manager has “failed to demonstrate the capacity to drive forward with improvement”.

However, Cherryli Nursery does give kids a “clean and structured” environment.

During playtime, Ofsted reported that children are able to follow their interests and have fun as they learn.

But it is at these moments that inspectors felt staff were “failing to engage” with the children to guide their learning.

Inspectors observed that when children “squeal for joy”, nursery staff tell them not to be loud which “interrupts children’s play” and has a “negative impact” on their progress.

While children have good relationships with staff, Ofsted found that not all staff use “warm and positive” interactions with children.

For example, they “often” move children on to different tasks with no explanation or warning.

However, children showed Ofsted that they are familiar with their routines and can follow instructions to meet expectations with their behaviour.

Staff who work with the nursery’s youngest children showed a “greater awareness of how children develop” and supported their communication skills.

Despite the fact that the manager has tried to address previous actions and has taken some steps, inspectors said that “this has not shown the desired impact”.

They went on to report that “staff’s practice is still weak” and the manager “lacks understanding of how to effectively evaluate the provision”.

For example, while supervision procedures have been put in place they are “ineffective”.

But the team was found to work well together, and staff showed Ofsted they have a “good working relationship” with the manager.

Staff, including the manager, were found not to consistently follow safeguarding policies, compromising the safety and welfare of children.

Inspectors reported that the manager at Cherryli Nursery has a “limited understanding” of children’s learning and development requirements.

This means that when they plan the curriculum, they do not consider children’s “interests and abilities”.

Parents told Ofsted that they are happy overall, and their children make some progress.

But parents added that there could be improvement regarding the communication between themselves and nursery staff.