A drug dealer from Bromley has been jailed after multiple phones, along with cash and drugs, were found by police.

Malik Hutchinson, of Highland Road in Bromley, admitted multiple drugs offences and was sentenced to four years in prison at Canterbury Crown Court.

Police had identified telephone numbers used in May and June 2024 to send bulk messages to drug users, including known users in the Ashford and Folkestone areas.

Detectives were able to connect the phone numbers to Hutchinson, who was subsequently arrested in London.

Drugs paraphernalia, together with quantities of cocaine and cannabis, were recovered from the scene.

Officers also seized a bag of cash containing around £3,000 and multiple mobile phones.

On Wednesday 12 June 2024, 21-year-old Hutchinson was charged.

He pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and heroin and possession with intent to supply a class A drug.

Hutchinson was sentenced on Thursday, September 5 to four years’ imprisonment.

Detective Constable Martin Aird said: “Drugs misuse and the knock-on negative effects of substance addiction, which can ripple out through communities, bring misery to people’s lives.

“The dealers are the root of the problem, and we are sending out a clear message to them that their criminal activities will not be tolerated.”