Police have released the mugshots of two Havering men jailed last week for participating in the London riots in July.

Hornchurch electrician Jay Keeling, 27, threw a glass beer bottle at police near Downing Street on July 31, after lunging at officers.

Rainham man Jack Wood, 29 – already a convicted football hooligan – was captured on camera shouting abuse at and pushing towards police officers during the same violent demonstration.

Both men pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Inner London Crown Court, Southwark, on Friday, September 6.

The court was shown police bodycam footage of Keeling, who lives with his parents in Hyland Way, turning his back towards officers and shoving into them “with some determination”, prompting others to join in.

After being thrown back over a barrier, Judge Benedict Kelleher said Keeling became “even more angry and irate” and threw a glass bottle overarm at police.

The judge told him it was pure luck that he had not caused serious injury.

After that, the court heard Keeling continued to engage in violent disorder, shouting abuse and kicking and shaking barriers between police and rioters.

He was jailed for 16 months.

Defence barrister Gethin Payne said Keeling took part in the violent demonstration while his parents were abroad celebrating their 60th birthdays. They did not find out what he had done until they came home.

“They are more shocked than anyone,” he said.

The Metropolitan Police Service has also released a low quality mugshot of Wood, saying it has lost the original image.

Wood, who lived in Lakeside and claimed to be the sole carer to both his mother and his uncle, already had a string of convictions.

In 2020, he was convicted of a Section 5 public order offence after shouting homophobic slurs at a West Ham match.

He was also slapped with a three-year football banning order, which he has since been convicted of breaching on two occasions. One breach involved possession of a flare.

Wood claimed he had happened upon the demonstration during a trip to the shops to buy some meat – even though he lives in Rainham and the violent protest was in Westminster.

Wood’s supporters shouted abuse at Judge Kelleher from the public gallery as he was jailed for 13 months.

They called him and court staff “f***ing scumbags” who “should all be done for treason”.