Older people are putting on their own parade dressed in purple “to be seen and heard” at Tottenham’s Festival of Welfare on Saturday .

The ‘Age Well’ festival in the grounds of Bruce Castle is about “being in touch with life and the richness of ageing”.

Voluntary groups are organising activities jointly with Haringey Council and the NHS North Central London care board, inviting folk to turn up in their “favourite shade of purple” and parade through Bruce Castle Park to mark the contributions they make to society.

Artist Donald Waugh is designing headpieces to add a touch of creative flair for the parade.

The festival, running from 12pm to 5pm, includes dance performances, live music, pickleball, Nordic walking and even ‘walking’ cricket. A ‘wellness’ dome is being set up along with ‘eating well’ and ‘creative’ zones.

The Pavilion café is putting on a barbecue and bingo while Bruce Castle Museum holds an ‘open house’.

But there is no age restriction despite the “ageing well” theme, however young you feel — it’s open to all ages and abilities.