The teenage victim of a fatal stabbing in Woolwich said “I’m 15, don’t let me die” as he lay bleeding, a witness has said.

The witness, 43-year-old Tasha Collins who has lived in the area for 14 years, said she tried to save the schoolboy as he lay in the road outside her flat.

Speaking by the police cordon in Woolwich, she said: “I was upstairs in my bedroom, I had my nightshirt on, I heard screaming from across the road saying ‘someone’s been stabbed, someone’s been stabbed’.

A police cordon and forensics at the scene (Image: PA) “So, I grabbed a sheet, I had no shoes or socks on or anything, and I just literally run to where just near where the tent is, and there was someone laying face down on the floor.

“I turned him over, he had a gash in his head and I thought ‘that’s not bleeding enough’.

“His leg moved and there was a massive pool of blood, so I just stemmed the flow of blood until the paramedics got here.

(Image: PA)

“I asked if I could go and shower because I was covered in his blood, and they said ‘yes’ so I went in and showered.

“I come back out and they (the police) called me over because I was the last one with him – he was going to me ‘I’m 15, don’t let me die’ and I said to him ‘you’re not going to die, mate’.”

The teenage boy was stabbed to death at about 6.30pm on Sunday after reports of a disturbance on Eglinton Road.

The boy was found at the scene with a stab injury and he died a short time later.

His next of kin have been informed.

(Image: Berk Uyal)

A woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the News Shopper that she didn't send her child to school today as he was "traumatised" following the incident.

She explained: "He shouldn't be witnessing this. He's been crying all day.

 "It's not normal, kids can't even go to school on their own. It took an ambulance to take 20 minutes to arrive.

"We as the community have tried to save this boy. We saw him pour him with blood.

 "My son saw a sword the size of his leg. We've asked the council for CCTV, we're getting ignored.

 "I'm scared for their safety. It's not going to end. It's going to keep happening".

No arrests have been made and a crime scene is in place.

Anyone with information is asked to call police via 101 quoting reference CAD 5989/22Sep.