A 13-year-old student from Welling has raised more than £600 after shaving his head because of the heat.

Harry Baker was with his dad Graham Baker who was training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro when he got hot and bothered by a heatwave over the summer.

The Welling School student was moaning about the weather after having been hiking for a few hours as one of his dad's training hikes - and decided the solution was to shave his hair off.

Harry told the News Shopper: “It was summer, and my dad was training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

"I was complaining that my head was getting really hot and my hair was getting in my face, so I decided to shave it off.”

That spontaneous decision quickly evolved into something much bigger.

Inspired by his father’s dedication to charity, Harry decided to turn his head shaved into a fundraising opportunity for StrongMen.

Graham Baker is involved with StrongMen, a UK bereavement charity aimed at helping grieving men and the climb up Kilimanjaro has been organised by the charity.

Harry expressed his own interest in climbing the mountain too, saying: “I hope I get to climb Mount Kilimanjaro too one day.

“I think it would be cool to climb a mountain.

“I like joining Dad on his hikes and going outdoors and stuff.”

StrongMen charity prides itself on being outdoors and working together, and Harry said he would like to do similar things to what his father is doing.

When he returned to school in September, Harry explained that there were many raised eyebrows as to why he’d chosen to do this.

Once Harry had explained the reason behind his shaved head, his classmates were surprised but thought it was a great way to raise money for charity.

Harry managed to raise £650 from this charitable act, and he later received a handwritten letter from Efrem Brynin, the founder of StrongMen charity.

(Image: Graham Baker)

Graham explained: “Harry received a handwritten letter from Efren, who is the founder of the charity, and that made his day.

“The letter thanked Harry for his efforts and for raising more than £600.”

The money was raised through a JustGiving page, donated by Harry’s friends and family and anonymous donators.