A 21-year-old man from south west London has been jailed for sharing and posting terrorist content online.

Ayoub Nacir, 21, was sentenced at Kingston Crown Court yesterday (September 24) to six years and nine months in prison after pleading guilty to eight of the ten charges – five counts of dissemination of a terrorist publication and five counts of possession of a document or record for terrorist purposes.

This comes after Nacir was revealed to be posting terrorist material on various social media accounts and platforms between 2022 and 2023, after a counter terrorism investigation run by the Metropolitan Police.

Nacir was arrested and his devices seized in October 2023 after police became aware that Nacir was distributing terrorist-related material online.

An examination of Nacir’s device found that he was both sharing material and promoting terrorist organisation Daesh.

Investigations also revealed that Nacir possessed documents that were “likely to be useful” to someone committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

These documents included instructions on how to make poisonous or noxious substances that were capable of endangering health, along with other files containing practical guidance and advice for people interested in potentially preparing and carrying out terrorist acts.

Nacir was later charged on October 27 with five counts of dissemination of a terrorist publication, contrary to section 2 of the Terrorism Act (TACT) 2006, relating to videos he shared online.

Nacir was also charged with five counts of possession of a document or record for terrorist purposes, contrary to section 58 TACT 2000, relating to the documents found at his home address.

Acting Commander Gareth Rees, of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, said: “We’re aware of the significant impact that spreading online terrorist material can have on vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

“The work that went into this investigation shows how seriously we take online terrorism, and we will continue to identify those individuals who spread this material online”.

Online material promoting terrorism or extremism can be reported anonymously via www.gov.uk/report-terrorism