From an everyday guy to a producer for one of the world’s biggest game franchises, a man from Deptford’s journey showcases the incredible power of determination and passion.

Jordan Johnson, known to his nearest and dearests as JJ, has recently produced music for the international basketball gaming franchise NBA 2K, after landing himself a scholarship in the USA.

JJ’s journey to success began when he and his friend started to create music together while focusing on “manifestation and personal growth”, which subsequently lead to the production of an EP.

JJ and his friend would manifest success (Image: JJ)

Reflecting on their collaboration, JJ told the News Shopper: "I had been working behind the scenes, organising events and supporting bands, but I’d never really done anything for myself.

“About six months in, I kept making beats, and when a friend needed music for his dance performance, I started creating mixes for him."

However, as time passed, JJ found himself just sitting in his flat with no “real opportunities”.

JJ said: “That’s when I came across a post on Instagram about a techno music programme in Detroit”.

(Image: JJ)

The superstar soon took a leap of faith and applied for the programme, ultimately being selected as the only participant from Europe.

“Wanting this program was the most I have ever manifested in my life,” JJ added.

The programme was launched online, where JJ connected with industry heavyweights, participated in online interviews with Def Jam, and networked with other aspiring artists.

JJ was the only person from Europe on the programme (Image: JJ)He was among a diverse group, with only two others from Nigeria, one from Mexico, and the rest hailing from the USA.

Driven by his desire to fully experience the music scene, JJ decided to take part in a foreign exchange with the University of Westminster and took a flight over to the states.

He explained: “I am an in-person type and knew I had to get out there. When I got the money, I booked the first flight I could and spent a month there.

“I met some of my favourite DJs and spent a lot of time in the studio.

“The city was very similar to Deptford – it’s quite a working-class, trade-type area, like Deptford and how it’s on the rise.”

After collaborating with a partner in Detroit to create beats and experiment with various music styles, JJ’s hard work paid off when his music was selected for the NBA 2K game.

JJ told the News Shopper: “We had two weeks to finalise a song for the game.

“I spent the entire time working – I made the most music I ever had in this time.

“NBA then picked a beat, and I recently went to the launch day in central London.”

(Image: JJ)

With NBA 2K released in September, JJ's music is now available for streaming, marking a significant milestone in his career.

Despite his growing success, JJ remains grounded and balances his music career with university and a job at a local bar and radio station in Deptford, where he initially found inspiration.

He added: “I met a lot of different people, and this is where my dreams kind of started. I was just grinding, working in the bar, trying to get some extra dough.”

Now, JJ is focused on DJing, producing records, and completing his degree, with aspirations to perform at festivals and clubs.