A man from Clapham has been jailed for 14 years after robbing a sex worker at gunpoint and strangling another after a second robbery did not go his way.

Ismail Tajzai, 26, of Moberly Road, appeared at Wood Green Crown Court on October 18, where he pleaded guilty to multiple serious charges.

These included robbery, attempted robbery, two counts of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to commit robbery, making a threat to kill, strangulation, and perverting the course of justice.

The court heard that Tajzai's crimes took place on February 21 and 22, when he arranged appointments with two sex workers.

In the first incident, Tajzai produced a handgun, tied the woman up, and stole around £2,000 from her.

The following day, he attempted to rob a second woman by brandishing the gun and striking her with it.

When she resisted, Tajzai tried to strangle her before fleeing the scene.

Detectives from Westminster launched an investigation, during which they collected DNA and fingerprint evidence linking Tajzai to the crimes.

CCTV footage provided further confirmation, capturing images of Tajzai near the scene of one of the incidents.

At the time of his arrest, police recovered a handgun and cable ties from a backpack Tajzai had thrown from his balcony.

In addition to his 14-year sentence, Tajzai was issued a restraining order prohibiting any contact with his two victims.

Detective Constable Stephanie Clarke, of the Westminster Public Protection team, said: “This case demonstrates the support police will offer to all victims of crime in order to prosecute violent, dangerous men.

"The defendant sought to exploit vulnerable sex workers, and deliberately aimed to commit crimes against a group of people whom he assumed were scared to report crimes to police.

“I had first-hand experience during the investigation of how scared the victims were to report to police, out of fear of repercussions that could be caused to them.

“I would urge anyone else who has been the victim of similar crime to contact police and an investigation will be launched with specialist support for the victims.”

Detective Inspective Luke Bacon, of the Westminster Public Protection team, said: “I would like to commend my officers for their dedication in identifying this particularly dangerous individual and the swift action they took to ensure his arrest and prosecution.

“This was a time-sensitive investigation, and I firmly believe that if it were not for the actions they took, more attacks would have occurred.

"I would also like to reserve particular praise for the victims involved in this terrifying case.

“They showed immense bravery in coming forward to report to the police in the first instance, and in doing so they have ensured that this dangerous individual was caught, prosecuted and convicted."