Amidst life in this fast-paced world, John Green’s 2021 book ‘The Anthropocene Reviewed’ is a reminder of the importance of slowing down and ruminating upon the world around you.

This book is in its essence a memoir – it is a compilation of 44 review-style essays written in Green’s perspective, a product of his reflections over mundane and otherwise ordinary events and objects, such as Diet Dr Pepper, sunsets, and the video game ‘Super Mario Kart’. 

These topics may seem incredibly dull on the surface, so much so that you wouldn’t have imagined an essay written about it, much less an interesting one. 

Yet, Green’s vivid prose interweaves context, history, and his own experiences together with the subject matter, captivating the reader with his entrancing and introspective reflections.

These essays reveal the nuance and depth behind subject matters, allowing readers to better understand and appreciate objects and events that make up the world they inhabit. 

Apart from gaining insight into Green’s childhood in the 1980s, the human condition, and relationships, this collection of essays also spurs readers on to reflect upon objects or experiences that have played a role in their lives, yet may have gone unnoticed in its mediocrities. 

Through Green’s essays as well as reflections upon their own lives, readers are encouraged to cherish experiences that have impacted them and moulded their lives, and to treasure the meaning that it has added to their lives.

‘The Anthropocene Reviewed’ is a great read for anyone seeking meaning in life as they go  through tumultuous times, or for anyone who wishes to gain new perspectives.