Young people in one of the most deprived areas in the country will benefit from thousands of pounds dedicated to helping them into work.

Hackney youth charity Hackney Quest is working with Taylor Wimpey, which will donate £25 for each new home sold and legally completed at its Hertford Mill community over 12 months.

The development of 88 private and 60 affordable homes launched for sale in July and is already more than 10% sold.

The donations will fund Hackney Quest's employability programme, which helps young people find fulfilling careers.

Colette Allen, CEO of Hackney Quest, said: "We are delighted with the partnership with Taylor Wimpey and are very thankful for your support of our employability and wellbeing programme.

"Our charity is locally based and we support over 300 young people aged eight to 25 each year, as well as families and community members."

Taylor Wimpey will continue supporting the charity until June 2026, making donations at four points throughout the partnership.