A new fleet of purple rubbish trucks are hitting the streets of Harrow in a bid to make refuse collection more environmentally friendly.

The 31 vans have been loaned out to Harrow Council for the next seven years to do the rounds collecting rubbish from residents.

They emit low levels of emissions and have been hired at a cost which less than if the council had bought them outright.

On the side of each truck, the council will put large signs showing the latest recycling messages as a way of passing information to residents.

Councillor Susan Hall, taking receipt of the first batch of lorries yesterday, said: “We are making great progress towards a 50 per cent recycling rate, and that is all down to the tremendous help we get from householders in sorting their bins.

“These lorries are a positive and upbeat statement of that achievement, and whenever our householders see them, they will now we are making even more progress towards becoming the best recycler in London."