OPPONENTS of expansion to Luton Airport have bolstered their campaign by launching a new opposition group ahead of the publication of the airport's final master plan.

The Campaign Against Luton Airport Expansion (CALAE) is the latest in a string of groups objecting to the proposed scheme which could see Luton Airport grow to the size of Gatwick.

Led by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, it is also being backed by the Harpenden Society and Harpenden Luton Airport Working Group.

Kevin FitzGerald, honorary director of CPRE, said: "If the airport's proposals went ahead they would have a devastating effect on the quality of life of thousands of people in the surrounding towns and villages, with increased noise, traffic and pollution.

"All too often these days people feel that nobody is listening to their concerns.

"CALAE gives the smaller community groups who represent those people the opportunity to pool resources and experience with well established bodies so that their voices will be heard."

London Luton Airport Operations Ltd (LLAOL) published its draft master plan last October, proposing a new 3,000-metre runway and second terminal to allow the airport to reach a capacity of 30 million passengers a year by 2030.

Since then the airport has been considering its consultation responses and aims to produce a final master plan to inform the Government's White Paper review later this year.

Harpenden Town Council, also objecting to the plans, has pledged to write to every resident in the town, after the plans are published, about the likely impact the airport will have on local roads, railway links and the environment.

The council is calling for Phase 1 of the Master Plan to be subject to an independent public inquiry.