US president Donald Trump has accused his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, of making up “stories in order to get a ‘deal'”.

Mr Trump’s tweet came after Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges in a case that poses a direct threat to the president.

On Twitter, Mr Trump said he feels “very badly” for former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was convicted over separate financial crimes.

The president said in Manafort’s case, “justice” took a 12-year-old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to “break” – or make up stories in order to get a “deal”.

Mr Trump said of Manafort, he has “Such respect for a brave man!”

Of Cohen, Mr Trump said he would not recommend his former personal lawyer.

The president tweeted: “If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Cohen pleaded guilty on Tuesday to campaign finance violations and other charges and implicated the president in his wrongdoing.

He said Mr Trump directed him to arrange the payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels and a former Playboy model to fend off damage to his White House bid in 2016.

Meanwhile, Cohen’s personal lawyer said his client would probably be willing to testify before US congress without being granted immunity.

Lanny Davis told CNN it’s his belief that Cohen would agree to testify again. He cautions that he has not spoken with Cohen about it.

Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen admitted several offences (AP)

The leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday said they want Cohen to appear again before their panel. They cited press reports that assert Cohen knew in advance about a meeting with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign. The senators said Cohen indicated otherwise during his testimony.

Davis says Cohen testified truthfully and was unable to correct the press reports due to the ongoing criminal investigation.

Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to campaign-finance violations and other charges.