New Pound Coin. Caitlin Mullane, Coloma Convent Girls School Young Reporter.

Pound coins as we know it will change forever, following the 31st March when the brand new 12-sided pound coins will be issued. The changes to the pound coin come after many forgeries that have cost the government a total sum of two million pounds per annum. 

The new pound coin will have 12 sides and be lighter, thinner and have a longer diameter. There is milling on alternative edges to prevent forgery, along with latent images (secret images). The picture turns from a pound symbol to the number one when the coin is seen at different angles. 

The coin consists of two metals, similarly to the two pound coin. The outside is nickel-brass, and the inside is a nickel-plated alloy. Further differences consist of the image shown on the coin, the coin now shows the English rose, Welsh leak, Scottish thistle, Northern Irish shamrock, all stemming from the Royal coronet. 

So, what are your views on the changing one pound coin? Exciting? Inconvenient? Saddening? 

Caitlin Mullane, Coloma Convent Girls School Young Reporter.