During hardship times like these, one has to search for ways to entertain our wonderous mind. The estrangement from the outside interactions seems challenging when the end is nowhere to be seen. However, nature is all around us and hopefully, we can finally get along with each other.


Flowers. A simple, beauty by-product of Earth. A sight that many take for granted as the ordinary individual is blind to the beauty placed in front of them. The different colours and sizes flourishing from different soils and circumstances. Many see flowers as a symbol of life – colour brings happiness and a sense of being alive to people around the globe.  Throughout history, flowers have been given as a gesture to represent their love and gratitude to others.


Isolation keeps the body locked away from the outside world, but a four-walled room keeps the mind locked away from the conscious sanity. For many years, I have seen many members of my community dedicate their precious time to water some flowers and talk to them. I never understood it until now. Talking to plants may seem delusional to some but it keeps the soul and mind active, letting your thoughts and emotions out is healthy for us. This will bring you some relief, a weight being lifted from your shoulders. The kind words and dedication to these flowers will impact their beauty in the end.


When all activities are closed down, try one that makes your mind sane and active. Nature and civilisation working together, alas!


Mariana Agrela Sardinha