The entire world is affected by COVID-19, and many loved ones have lost their lives such that families will never be the same again. It would do great injustice to the countless nurses and doctors working round the clock to say COVID-19 is beneficial but there are surprising benefits which could bring some light and positivity in these dark days. 


Firstly, there are great environmental benefits. It is amazing to think that as soon as humans scurry away, the rest of the planet starts to emerge and make a home for itself. Dolphins have emerged in Sardinia and wildlife has made a home. Moreover, the smog in Beijing cleared so that locals could gaze at starry skies. Pandas have mated for the first time when the zoo emptied out and there are countless other benefits that have resulted. 


From an economic viewpoint, this situation has acted as a recession, filtering only the most efficient businesses. Huge increase in unemployment has been a devastating side effect but this is greatly beneficial in the long term, since it will foster more efficient businesses later. Moreover, this is a great time for business to advertise how ethical they are and support the NHS, which is a double whammy for the nation. 


And there have been great social benefits. Never have we had so much time with our families, 16 year old like me have never been so stress free and we have acted more as a community than ever. Many dystopian films have predicted mass chaos and robbery and all out 'every man for themself' warfare in such crises, yet here we are as a nation where one man is teaching PE, and everyone else is gardening. 


In no respect should we undermine the damages inflicted on society, but perhaps we can spend a little time pondering that it's not all doom and gloom 


By Divy Dayal, Wilson's School