Are there any good effects from Covid-19?




We all know about a horrific global pandemic Covid-19 and unfortunately how bad it is, as it is killing thousands of people every day, but is there any good things about the pandemic?

Well first as everyone is in lockdown, the level of pollution gas dropped dramatically. This led to the O-zone layer in atmosphere to get better, as the production of carbon dioxide has stopped. Also, the factories closed and stopped excreting their harmful chemicals into the rivers and canals, for example: Venice canals became crystal clear and even the fishes came back, furthermore the whole Global Warming rate has decreased and this could have a big impact on future generations.

Secondly, everyone is home, therefore we all could appreciate this moment to catch up and make our bonds with family members stronger than ever, as we could not do that during the typical busy day that every has got these days.

Also, we need to take this time to do something interesting. You could learn how to play on the instrument, juggle and so on. Discover new hobbies that you never tried and learn new stuff. But most importantly take care of your health, start looking after your own body. There are tonnes of work out you could do at home to help you stay fit.

Stay home. Stay safe. Stay happy.