Everybody in the world is struggling to fight against Covid-19, it has affected us all in many ways, some more than others. Currently there are 2,503,472 confirmed cases worldwide, 386,000 of those cases being in the UK. However during this time we cannot allow this virus to bring down our spirits and control our outlook on life.

We have been in total lockdown for around a month now and our lives have been completely changed; 2020 is one of the years that we will never forget. Even though we have to social distance does not mean we have to cut off all communication with friends and family, sometimes talking to loved ones can prevent us from completely disconnecting with the outside world. It can also help us remember why we are isolating ourselves because we are talking to the peoples who safety we value the most.

During lockdown you may want to try out some new things, I personally started to learn how to play the guitar and sign language over the past 3 weeks; they have both been something I have always wanted to learn, and now because I have a lot of free time I have taken the opportunity to put it to good use.

Studies show that acquiring new skills is very useful for the brain as when you learn new skills it stimulates neurons in the brain, this then forms additional neural pathways; allowing electrical impulses to travel faster across them. As a result these things help you learn better. It seems that what we spend our time doing is one of the things we still have control over as everything else is out of our hands, so use this free time to your advantage and learn something you have always wanted to learn.

Thursdays have become one of my favourite days of the week, as it is when we celebrate our hard working NHS workers for saving thousands lives and trying to maintain the coronavirus. On my street we all come out of our homes with our pots and pans at 8 o’clock and make as much noise as we can, it is a beautiful sight to see. Despite what is going on in the world we are all coming together (still 6 feet apart) to show our thanks to the NHS workers and I think that is absolutely wonderful. I would highly recommend doing this every Thursday as it is also a reminder that everything is being done to end this virus.

Titi Ayokun, a brilliant student commented on what she is doing to get through lockdown ‘I am throwing myself into my work by focusing on homework and revision, I think that this is a good time to get on top of everything and practice the things I struggle with.’

Aviniya Bloomfield, another wonderful pupil also commented on how she is coping with being inside ‘During lockdown I am keeping myself entertained by walking my dog once a day, as well as watching Netflix to pass the time. I have also been playing games on snapchat and facetiming my friends to see how they are doing.’

Keeping a good mind-set is what will get us through this difficult time, we have to remember that it will not last forever and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe and stay at home, we are all in this together.

Tomini Oyeniyi, Croydon High School