In these troubling times, the mental health of the world is challenged immensely. Being stuck inside, feeling trapped, bored, alone has a massive strain on sustaining a healthy mind. I am sure some people have figured a way to lift their spirits and stay mentally fit, but to all those who are struggling to cope with the pressure imposed by the huge nothingness, you are not alone.

After the schools were closed on Friday 20th March, I found myself firstly overcome by the schoolwork being set, but then I found myself lost in a vast emptiness when the volume of work severely decreased. I was not motivated to do anything, let alone work. I knew from this day how difficult it must be for everyone trapped inside and wanted to free myself from the prison of boredom and find an escape.

My first way out was the daily exercise that was provided by the amazing Joe Wicks with his ‘PE with Joe’ programme on YouTube. Every day I found myself getting not only fitter, but happier, as the act of exercise releases dopamine (‘happy’ chemicals) in the brain. This added a sense of purpose and structure to my day, already lifting my mood. I also utilised the one piece of outdoor exercise allowed by the government, in order to get some fresh air in the lovely weather. Never would I have thought that the temperature would reach 21 0C in April! Daily walks in this weather are vital to keep people from going “Stir-Crazy” nowadays. I am also planning on participating in the ‘Run for Heroes’ campaign, in which you have to run 5km, donate £5 and nominate 5 people. If you do anything to help others, like the amazing healthcare workers, you will feel much better for it.

Another trick I use to keep myself entertained is speaking to friends. Sounds simple, right? Well, speaking to someone (obviously over the phone – adhering to all guidelines) is a great way to let off steam and confide in those who you love outside your family. This links into some key charity work with human contact as a cure for some mental health struggles. One key charity that helps those in need is ‘Heads Together’, set up by Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. One programme they run is the ‘Shout’ programme which is a text messaging service designed to help anyone in a crisis, which would be easily accessible by all from home. Research by the Heads Together foundation came up in a talk led by Prince William, and he said that “Just 2% of people would feel comfortably talking to their HR about mental health”. This figure shocked him and compelled him to change something about this dire situation in the workplace. His scheme ‘Mental Health at Work’ aimed to improve everyone’s mental health and unlock potential across the country.

This charity is a clear sign that attitudes to mental health recently have improved, therefore, when everyone is stuck at home, it is the perfect time to open up about a hidden problem, and seek the extremely capable support of people and organisations around you.

See for more information about the ‘Heads Together’ Charity.

Written by Alex Topliss