The ongoing Covid-19 epidemic has led to some unfortunate repercussions on a local as well as global scale. Group 64, a community Theatre Group based in Putney, is now under threat from lack of funding brought on by social distancing rules. However, relying on the strong sense of community spirit promoted by Coronavirus changes, it is hoping to be able to rely on donations in this trying time. The challenges introduced by the virus have proved to bring out the best in people, as it is possible to see homemade posters offering help to the vulnerable and elderly affixed to many lamp posts and walls in my area. Acting and Theatre offer such crucial forms of expression, especially in these emotionally trying times, that it would be a tragedy to see the end of an organisation that offers so much to local children and teens. 

Their slogan reads ‘we make theatre for, and by, young people’. 

They offer acting classes for those aged 4-19 years old, and offer extra assistance and support to those who need it to create a thoroughly inclusive atmosphere. Fortunately, they have been able to start online classes, trying their best to keep the local community together despite the young actors’ enforced isolation. However, without donations they will surely not survive the next few months, and the community will have allowed a small part of its heart to perish. It costs them £85 a day to keep the bills paid, and they warmly welcome any amount of money. 

Being #alonetogether, connected only by social media, people are sure to value such community schemes as this more, and it is imperative to look beyond these times to ensure we have something to look forward to in a dramatically new normal. 

Madeleine McClean