Bored Out of My Mind

I think I can speak for everyone when I say quarantine SUCKS! Learn a new skill? Well there's only so many times one person can make the same banana bread. I scroll through my phone lathargectly everynight thinking about how I took meeting up with my friends face to face, not just through Skype or Facetime for granted. Nothing interesting is happening anymore. I never thought I would ever say this but I miss school. I know for a fact I'm not the only one who feel this way. 

There are some pleasant moments though. I think taking a stroll around the neighborhood and park, on a Thursday afternoon, just when everyone stands outside their house to clap for the NHS whilst watching the sunset has to be one of them. Ah yes, the weekly clap. The only way I can tell what day it is anymore. It almost make me tear up, just the thought that during these hard times, our close knit community all has one goal, to thank those who are risking everything just to help us out. I can't even imagine what that must be like. 

Whilst I'm standing out, on my door step, I clap for my aunt, my friends, and everyone in the NHS who deserves every last clap, cheer or whoop they recieve. So from the whole nation,

Thank you.