Since the start of the presidency of Donald Trump in 2017, Trump has repeatedly attacked the media, calling them “fake news” and the “enemy of the people”.

The current coronavirus pandemic is highlighting the dangers of the relationship between the President and the Media.

Over the last week the challenging relationship between the media and Trump has become more evident than ever.

During one conference regarding the virus he stated, "I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute," Mr Trump said. "And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

When later asked by the Washington Post “Could you clarify your comments about injections of disinfectant?”, he responded: "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you, just to see what would happen.”

What is the danger of this ‘trolling’ by the President? Trumps comments have dominated social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit since Thursday night, as well as worldwide mainstream media outlets.

The Maryland governor's office said the state's emergency management agency issued an alert warning against injecting or ingesting disinfectants after receiving more than 100 calls to a hotline.

When asked if he felt any responsibility, he said: "No, I don't know. I can't imagine. I can't imagine that."

This not only demonstrates the blind allegiance citizens often face in regard to their politicians, but more significantly the impact of the communication between a leader and the media.

Stand-out, shocking comments such as the disinfectant one made by Trump are showing how our world-wide politics and news are becoming less and less about clear facts but rather miscommunication of harmful misinformation.

During our fast-paced lives it is unlikely many people have the time, nor care too, watch a political conference of any kind in full. This is why the media and the messages it portrays to the people matter, especially during a pandemic. 

The unhealthy relationship between President Trump and the media is one that is not only putting Trumps presidency at threat, the trust of the news at threat, but the lives of Americans and citizens world-wide at threat.

This issue is likely to be one that will continue among future Presidents and other world leaders if the problem is not prevented soon.

-Shania McNally, Reigate College