As COVID-19 has spread significantly, it has done nothing but cause chaos and tribulation. However, few have thought about the one topic that existed before the Coronavirus and has had an unintended benefit from its existence. Climate change.  

Climate change has transformed drastically. These changes include lower CO2 emissions, less pollution resulting in clearer skies.  From February 3rd to March 1st CO2 levels have dropped by at least 25% because of the measures taken to contain the coronavirus according to the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). An analysis done by Carbon Brief at the beginning of April estimated that globally this year emissions could fall by 5.5% from 2019 levels. This may seem a small number but over the years emissions have only been increasing and for it to decrease an estimated 5.5% is a big deal.  

Not only do these figures demonstrate how the environment is benefitting from this virus but so do pictures of big industrial cities e.g. New Delhi, India. What used to be a smog-filled city where citizens who lived there would develop respiratory problems and cause more underlying health issues is now a city where you are able to take a walk without feeling thick smog congest in your lungs.  

There is always a solution to every problem but the way that dilemma may be solved can perhaps only be solved by walking into another problem. In this case the Coronavirus and Climate change are linked as we found part of our solution in another difficulty.  

By Eisher Aujla