Gaming. Gaming has been a popular sort of entairnment to all as there is many genres and choices : horror, rpg, action,adventure,romance and much more. However many many people have asked the same question : " Does Gaming affect children in a negative way?". There is debates and that it can be hard to tell which is the leading side as there are factors which can lighten the arguement : age, type of game they are playing, duration of gameplay, emotions whilst playing the game and other reasons/factors.

In some cases children will spend long hours a day playing video games and get easily distracted with it which can cause disruptions in their learning as well as having eye strains, hallicauntions, feeling tired all the time and having red eyes (meaning the eyes have to rest). Whilst on the other hand : gaming helps to relieve stress from work, school, drama, gaming could be a relatable topic to their friends and it builds social connections, and might be harmless if its only a couple of hours with breaks.

So basically gaming can affect children in a negative way if : they spent too long in video games and not exercising or going outside during the day, priorities over games than everyday life, or if they are developing problems which is the result of playing during long hours.