Despite NHS's debts being cleared during coronavirus (Covid-19), NHS and many nursing homes are suffering to help many infected people especially due to the high population assorted of people aged 60 and over, which resulted in the lack of ppe (personal equipement for doctors & nurses), which lead to them "improvising" of their equipement such as : using plastic bags/trash bags over their head to stop Covid-19 from reaching their face, or some don't even have ppe equipment at all. There is two main problems with NHS : lack of ppe & respirators (which help people to breath out carbon dioxide) as well as doctors endangering themselves from possisiblilty of getting infected. Many doctors with lots of expericence are mainly the ones are endanger to getting Covid-19 since: it took doctors 7 years to get a degree and start their training in hopstial for several more years (practial work).

However not many people are aware that NHS is suffering severly as they antipacited. There are ways to help NHS : Stay at home (or if you are going outside, it is advised to wear masks and not go together if you are more than a group of three), isolate yourself and always wash your hands if you come from outside of your home.