Ever since the many many weeks in lockdown, parents & students supsect they have to stay months at home meaning they wont see their teachers or their friends for a long time so how can it impact people at home? During the lockdown, there has been an increase of domestic abuse calls this year compared to last year as well as an increase of buying long-lasting food products. Mainly teenagers will experience severe social distancing as it is advised to not go outside unless it is for shopping/ going to hostipal. Obviously because of this: it could negatively impact the teenagers well being/mind as they feel alone and lost of what to do, lost track of date and time, mood swings, and other negative impact. However some would cope to pretty well since : there is an increase of teachers and school now often contacting students to check up on them and see if they are okay, often with their family and playing some board games/video games, creating DIY, doing projects as well as doing schoolwork.

Life in lockdown might be stressful but you could always email your teachers, talk to your family and can text to your friends if you ever feel down. Most importantly, stay safe!