It's not every day that you meet a musical prodigy, but I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to interview one of the most talented violinists in the UK - 13 year old Kian Conti.

Firstly, can you tell us a bit about your background, such as the grades you've completed, where you've performed, and competitions you have entered?

I started playing violin at the age of six and have now completed all grades with distinction - currently I am preparing for my diploma. I am a member of the Junior Royal Academy of Music which I attend every Saturday and I've entered many competitions such as the 'play with ray' competition, which I won in 2020. During the pandemic, I still took part in online competitions; for example, I won the Queen's Cup Award and I won a masterclass from Toronto Summer Music in 2021.

What sparked your interest in the violin and music in general?

My mum plays the piano very well, and so I enjoyed listening to classical music from an early age thanks to her. I thought it would be nice to be able play the music I heard, and violin lessons were being offered at my primary school, so I thought I might as well take it up.

You toured Europe earlier this year - how was your experience and how did it help you grow as a musician?

I toured with the Chineke! Juniors orchestra earlier this summer and we opened the Lucerne festival, followed by performing in Berlin, which was streamed on radio, and it finished in Amsterdam. Having the opportunity of being able to perform for the public with such a great orchestra in such amazing places was a phenomenal experience. 

Although I am used to playing for small audiences in school and competitions, the joy of experiencing the support of such a large audience was unbelievable. It improved my orchestral skills and allowed me to play more prestigious orchestral music, which in some ways can be harder than solo music.

Can you describe the commitment and dedication required to perform at such a high level?

In order to play at a high level or even at a decent level, you need to be very patient and dedicated to be able to give up other things you want to do, to put the hours in to perfect your skills.

What are your favourite pieces to play?

I have a few favourites - off the top of my head some of my favourite pieces would be Csárdás by Monti and Danse Espagnole by de Falla. I like Csárdás since it is a gypsy piece and I think it really showcases the rich, deep sound the G string of a violin can make. There's also loads of tricks you can do in it because it is gypsy music. Danse Espagnole is a very difficult piece, but all of the techniques, like the richochet, are really fun to play.

Who is your favourite violinist and why?

My favourite violinist would be Robby Lakatos. He is a gypsy violinist, and he plays some amazing pieces. My favourite album of his on Apple Music would be Klezmer Karma, and I especially enjoyed his performance of Klezmer Suite No. 2.

What are you future aspirations?

I want to be considered as one of the best violinists in the world and I'd like to be one of the most well-known. I want to play in front of large audiences and with large orchestras [and] maybe do tours around the world so that I can share my music with everyone.

Lastly, in 3 words, how would you describe your relationship with the violin?

Prestigious, amazing, and emotional.