Marches took place in a Hanworth Parade for Remembrance Sunday, down Green Lane to the Hanworth War Memorial. 

On Sunday 12th November 2023, a Hanworth Remembrance Parade took place to commemorate the soldiers who had died protecting their country and securing Britain's future in World Wars 1 and 2. The march began at approximately 11:00am, with squads of uniformed cadets and volunteers in training, each with a poppy as a symbol of remembrance and respect to the fallen.

The march turned at a junction and marched down Green Lane, with flag bearers and bagpipe players and volunteering uniforms moving down Green Lane to the destination of the Hanworth War Memorial, a large stone structure bearing the names of those who were residents of Hanworth who lost their lives fighting in the world wars. 

With roughly 200 residents surrounding the memorial, various respects were paid to not only the residents who have died, but to all who have given their lives for protecting the nation, and all who have died nobly in conflicts, past and ongoing. Hymns, prayers and salutes were given to the fallen, along with a 2 minute silence for respect.