Older people are some of the most interesting on the planet. Not only are they wiser, but they have also lived a whole life of fun, adventure and excitement. The world we live in has changed a great deal since the late 1900s, and the older people in our lives are perfect to speak to to find out more about the ‘good old days.’

After speaking to 77-year-old Josie, I gained an insight to life in the 1960s-70s and what her childhood and teenage years were like living in Warwickshire. 

Sienna: What is your earliest memory?

Josie: I can remember going to nursery school, and sleeping in little camp-beds at nap time after lunch!

Sienna: What is your fondest memory?

Josie: I think that having children and grandchildren has been the happiest moment of my life.

Sienna: What can you remember about where you grew up?

Josie: Well, I can remember quite a lot, actually! We lived in a cul de sac in Warwickshire with my mum who was a housewife, and my dad who was an engineer, and because where we lived was a cul de sac, it was a great place for playing with friends because it was very safe.

Sienna: What did you used to do for fun when you were my age?

Josie: Growing up was a very different environment than it is today, from what I remember. My friends and I used to take a sandwich and a drink and just go off on our bikes, all day long! I didn’t spend much time on a phone because at that time, we didn’t even have a phone in the house!

Sienna: How do you think attitudes towards women have changed since you were younger?

Josie: In a lot of ways it is better, because women these days have far more opportunities in the workplace, and the laws on maternity leave are very helpful to lots of women, but sadly there are a lot of people out there who don’t like women being successful. 

Sienna: What did you used to do for work?

Josie: I was a secretary, and it was quite interesting because we didn’t have electric typewriters, so we had to use the old-school ones which were quite hard to use as there was no delete if you made a mistake!

Sienna: If you could go back to any year, what would it be?

Josie: I think we were quite fortunate in the 70s, because we had lots of freedom and fun and there were a lot less pressures on young people as there are today. 

Sienna: Do you have any life advice for me?

Josie: Work hard! There’s an old fashioned saying: ‘You reap what you sow!’