Calling all movie enthusiasts! Get ready to mark your calendars because this December something spectacular is about to hit our school grounds – our very own Film Night! Imagine this: a cosy, warm evening on a cold winters’ day, surrounded by friends, laughter and the enchanting glow of a silver screen. It’s not just a Film Night; it’s an experience crafted with care and sprinkled with a dash of school magic!

Next month, we’ll see our school grounds transform into a realm of enchantment, as the sixth formers are immersed within an atmosphere of excitement. Demonstrating that this Film Night is more than just a night of entertainment, it’s about fostering a sense of community.  It’s also a great opportunity for fellow students and teachers to connect in a calm setting, where the only homework is to enjoy the moment and create lasting memories. 

As an A-level student, the upcoming film night promises to be the perfect balance between academic rigour and sheer enjoyment. In the midst of challenging coursework and academic pursuits, this film night provides a well-deserved break—a chance to unwind and socialise. It's a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing not just our intellectual growth but also our well-being. This event strikes the ideal balance, offering a delightful blend of academia and fun, whilst bridging the two.

Sixth form students are also given the opportunity to vote for the Film of the Night… Picture this the power of a ballot at your fingertips and the ability to shape the upcoming film night with just a few clicks. Its democracy meets filmography and the lights are on YOU! So don't forget to vote!

Whether it’s the heart-pounding arena of the Hunger Games or the spellbinding world of Harry Potter, students are left eagerly anticipating the Film Night. So remember to bring your popcorn and snacks and prepare for a cinematic experience to remember!