Catherine Okonkwo is a 34 year old rising entrepreneur who has defied conventional career journeys by transitioning from law school to establish her own healthcare consulting business, COMI. Her story is an inspiration to numerous young people, offering a compelling example in a modern academic world that tends to stress final decisions and ultimatums when it comes to choosing a course of study. As aforementioned, she studied at law school, after getting her politics degree and deciding that she wanted to become a lawyer. However, after studying she had decided that her true passion lay in a more people-centred field in which she could interact with clients directly.

This change of pathway became the catalyst for Catherine's journey into business. Acknowledging the need for quality guidance in the complex healthcare landscape, she embarked on the path of entrepreneurship, establishing COMI to provide comprehensive consulting services in the health sector. Undoubtedly, she admits that self-employment is tricky and numerous struggles come with not being protected by a large employer. Nonetheless, her love for what comes with working in such a client- facing industry and being her own boss is undeniable. “The downsides of instability and the constant struggle to win clients over are outweighed by the satisfaction of being in control of my own career”, she states

Catherine highlights that in order to do consulting, you need to prove you have a certain aptitude for critical thinking and competence, character traits that go beyond what you study at university regardless of your field.  She advises: "Travel, meet people, develop identity capital. You will become more interesting, and people will gravitate towards you. Determination serves you well in life. But learn from a young age to do what pleases you within.”

Catherine's story serves as an inspiring reminder that in order to be successful, you do not have to follow a linear path dictated by your academic background. Her advice is clear: “do what you really like and find interesting in university; it opens pathways. Nevertheless, what you studied when you were younger does not dominate what you will do, find passion in what you do since that will fuel your success more than anything”.

In the daunting world of healthcare consulting, Catherine Okonkwo has not only climbed to the top of her field despite studying law at university, but also has discovered the fulfilment that comes from pursuing one's true passion. She serves as an inspiring and intelligent young mind in a challenging and thriving field. You can find out more about her striking and innovative business at