It's up to us, the resilient youth, to rise above the ominous shadow of climate change and pave the way for a sustainable tomorrow in a world where our future is at stake. An increase of 1.1C in global temperature has led to extreme weather globally, for example, the hot and dry summer that the UK saw then following into autumn we saw Storm Antoni and Betty. This extreme weather's main cause is greenhouse gas emissions which are mainly released by burning of fossil fuels as this accounts for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and 90% of global carbon dioxide emissions. You can fix this by being more energy efficient both at home and outside by performing activities like:

  • Energy-Efficient Appliances: To cut down on electricity usage, choose energy-efficient appliances and lightbulbs.

  • Smart Thermostats: To maximize energy efficiency, use a smart thermostat to control heating and cooling.

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: By recycling and repurposing goods, you can reduce waste and the need for new production.

  • Water conservation: By using less water, you can lower the energy required for treating and heating water.

  • Eat Local and Plant-Based: To reduce your diet's carbon footprint, choose foods that are produced locally and that are plant-based.

In summary, combating climate change is not only our responsibility but also an immediate need that necessitates cooperation. Failure to act has grave consequences that impact not only our generation but also the legacy we leave for future generations. Since Earth's resilience is limited and our current actions will influence the planet's climate in the future, now is the time to act.