In the wake of the seismic events of 2020, a peculiar phenomenon has changed society’s grip on reality – the 2020 Effect. It's a subtle but profound shift in the way we perceive time, leaving many feeling like they've stepped into a reality where the clock ticks a little faster, and the past seems simultaneously distant and ever-present.


Lockdowns, a hallmark of 2020, not only reshaped the world outside but also left an imprint on our internal calendars. 


For those who entered adulthood during this period, the vibrant hues of childhood now exist as bittersweet memories, a stark contrast to the complexities and responsibilities of grown-up life. The abrupt transition from carefree moments to navigating the challenges of the real world has created a surreal temporal dissonance.


Social media, a now undeniable part in our lives, has played a significant role in amplifying the 2020 Effect. The constant stream of information, memes, and trends blur the boundaries between days, weeks, and months. The digital age has ushered in a new era where the virtual realm often dictates our perception of time, making it challenging to distinguish between the immediate and the nostalgic.


One striking manifestation of the 2020 Effect is the distortion of chronological awareness. Many find themselves startled by the realisation that events they believe occurred a few years ago are actually farther in the rearview mirror than anticipated. The collective sense of disorientation has led some to mistakenly believe that 2015 was a mere five years ago when, in reality, it has been eight.


The roots of this temporal anomaly can be traced back to the enduring impact of the lockdown experience. Even as physical restrictions were lifted, the mental echoes of that period still linger. The profound changes in daily routines, isolation, and the omnipresence of uncertainty have left an imprint on our cognitive calendars.


As we navigate this time-warp, it's crucial to acknowledge the psychological toll of the 2020 Effect. While the world has moved forward, our perception of time has become an intricate dance between the past and present. Perhaps, in this surreal dance, lies an opportunity for introspection, resilience, and a renewed appreciation for the fluidity of time in our ever-evolving lives.


The 2020 Effect, our future or a manacle into our past?