Music for the Homeless

On the 18th of November, the annual children’s charity concert was held in Pinner Baptist church, this year to raise money in support of homelessness charity Crisis. After watching a short video about how the charity helped an individual who found herself homeless at the time, with her declaring powerfully ‘my first day of Crisis was my last day on the streets’, the performances commenced. Many of the children performing are students of Yanice Bonsai, who teaches the piano and violin.

 The pieces were primarily played on the piano, violin and guitar with a brilliant mix of modern and classical music, and some nursery rhymes added to the mix, by artists and composers such as Coldplay, J.S Bach and G.F Handel, with a euphonious Blues piece played on electric guitars to close the concert.

Aaheli R, a violinist with promising talent, performed Andante by Reiding. She later relayed that standing up in front of an audience was ‘amazing’ despite her nerves building up as her time to shine crept closer. However, once she had commenced, ‘the music flowed from her’ and she produced an incredible sound greeted with a thunderous applause as she finished. Her father, Debashis R, noted that the quality of the performances were ‘pretty good’ considering the ages of the players and that ‘the level of playing to reach this standard on their instruments is incredible’.

Overall, the concert was a huge success and we cannot wait to see what the new year brings for the charity and the feast for our ears in next year’s concert!