‘Friends’ is a sitcom that blends humour and drama, a mix of genres that contributes to its continuous popularity. The film-making methods used are traditional for sitcoms, with multi-camera setups and live audiences reacting. Its clever use of these techniques makes the show unique and special. 'Friends' is known for its brilliant storytelling and captivating characters. When talking about the film-making of Friends, there are several key elements that contribute to its success. 

The theory of comedy is deeply embedded into the show, having perfect comedic timing, well-developed characters, relatable situations. The symbolism is subtle but very effective, such as the iconic Central Perk coffee shop that represents a haven for the characters. Its range of highly relatable characters offers the audience a way to connect with them, thus emphasising their enjoyment of the show. The show's talented ensemble cast brings their characters to life with their brilliant on-screen chemistry. Their performances, combined with the beautifully-crafted script created memorable moments that make the audience laugh and cry.

Moreover, the set design plays a crucial role in creating the world of Friends. The iconic sets such as Central Perl coffee shop, Monica's apartment, and Chandler and Joey's 'bachelor pad', became beloved locations for fans. The attention to detail in the set design added an extra layer of authenticity to the show, also making it visually enjoyable and making it become a great comfort show for many. While ‘Friends’ doesn’t go deep into the genre theory or symbolism as a film studies class would, its success lies in its ability to incorporate these elements into the storytelling. The team behind ‘Friends’ was able to create a meaningful, heart-warming show that was balanced out with the perfect amount of humour while delivering many important moral messages to the audience. 

Overall, the show fully depicts the talent of the creative team, who have created a wonderfully though-out sitcom that isn’t just funny but is also rich in meaning and depth. The film-making of Friends was a perfect blend of the talented cast, impeccably-written scripts and meticulous set design. The mellifluous plot explains why the show is cherished by fans worldwide, and is continued to be watched even today, after 25 years.