As the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence draws to a close, it is important to recognise arguably the most famous of the days- White Ribbon Day.


Throughout the Tiffin Girls’ curriculum, they aim to educate themselves and others about gender-based violence. This can be seen through the history curriculum, where they are taught about many famous influential historical figures and the geography curriculum where students learn about famous geographers. The school ethos, driven by the headteacher, of ‘community, love of learning and character’ is clearly exemplified by the school’s efforts to drive activism.


The white ribbon was pinned on form boards, hung up on display, but perhaps the most prevalent was the stickers proudly worn on lanyards and the pastoral lessons, which have educated not only the Tiffin Girls students but also the students of the surrounding schools, like Tiffin School. 


Talking to students showed that they also valued the education that they got. Saachi, 15, a student from Tiffin Girls said that “the lessons showed [her] that [she] ha[s] a support system within the school”, which is invaluable in creating a sustainable school environment.


“ Although I am wary of violence from men, I feel safer knowing that people are being educated day after day”


It’s not only girls who are being taught about this though. Many students from the surrounding schools have been taught about gender-based violence.

A Tiffin student, 12, said “It was eye-opening to learn about the dangers women face on a daily basis, and the lessons were phrased in a way that involved us as well. I really enjoyed it.”


This is not just a school-based initiative, however. Anyone at home with some free time can support the White Ribbon movement by signing their petition against gender based violence which can be found on their website