It seems like no matter how many of these we do I just don’t get used to them. Sitting in a cold hall and trying to write with numb hands while struggling to breathe because of your cold will simply never be an enjoyable experience. However I do have to say there’s a sort of magic that comes with mock season, firstly the fact that we are not in timetabled lessons, and secondly the sense of pride you feel walking into an exam knowing you’re prepared (even if that feeling only lasts until you open the paper). It’s an experience to say the least, but maybe not all bad.

The adrenaline rush of getting through a tough mock exam, regardless of the outcome, is oddly exhilarating. It's a mental obstacle course that though we didn’t sign up for, there’s a strange satisfaction in overcoming it. Plus, there's something about the collective experience among students during mock season, feeling the shared stress and celebrating the post-exam freedom. It's a bizarre way of connecting with each other as we hate on the exam boards. So, maybe there's a silver lining to the madness after all.